Navigating uncertainty and change

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By Kelly McClure

In a matter of a few days, our lives collectively changed in monumental ways both at home and in the workplace.  For a lot of us, this means that going to work has additional challenges and risks.  For others, our home became our workplace, and still others are facing a reduction in hours or no hours at all.  Here are five resources to help you succeed at home and work even in the midst of uncertainty and change.

  1. Do something for yourself each day.

Caring for yourself is always important, but even more so in difficult times.  Take time to go for a walk, read a book, take a nap, listen to music, cook a meal, spend time with your family, call a friend, exercise, share a laugh or do something else you enjoy.

  1. Develop a new routine for your family and/or yourself.

A routine may help you feel in control of your life and bring some welcome normalcy back into each day. An idea for a daily routine might be: get up at the same time, get ready, make coffee, get your kids ready or spend time in prayer and/or reflection each day.

  1. Do something for someone else.

We are stronger together.  Helping others will give you a sense of purpose and does not need to be difficult.  Check in on someone who is alone, send a note or card, chalk an encouraging message on your driveway, order groceries for someone in need or send an encouraging email.

  1. Ask for help.

Reach out to others when you are in need.  Heritage Christian Services has some excellent free resources for employees:

  • Contact a Success Coach at the Employee Resource Network
    • Contact information can be found on the HCS ADP portal home screen
  • Reach out to the NexGen Employee Assistance Program
  1. Take a break from the news.

The news is meant to be checked, not watched.  It is important to be informed, but constantly being inundated with news surrounding COVID-19 across our community, nation and world can be overwhelming and traumatizing.  Be intentional about how much time you spend with news outlets.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed and isolated in situations that demand rapid and frequent change. Understand you are not alone in your feelings. Take care of yourself and use the resources you have available to you to help you get through.  We are truly stronger together than we ever could be individually. Let’s lean on each other and come through this pandemic stronger, wiser and more emotionally connected than we were before.